Moon Cards

The Moon Card deck features fifty beautifully illustrated and deeply meaningful cards, each one representing different universal themes and symbols. Use the Moon Cards to enhance your intuitive abilities, connect with the past, present, and future, and receive answers to your most pressing questions.

All card images and designs associated with are the sole intellectual property of Moon Reading LLC. Any unauthorized copying, distribution, sharing, or use of these images in any form or manner, whether in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

The Full Moon

We have watched in awe and wonder as the darkness of the New Moon turned to the first faint glimmer of the Crescent Moon, and then the half-fullness of the First Quarter Moon. Now, finally, the Full Moon reveals herself in all of her glory, bathing the world in moonlight and illuminating dark corners of the night...

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The Gibbous Moon

The Gibbous Moon is an exciting moment in the lunar cycle. In our sky, the Moon is three quarters illuminated, almost but not quite full. Within days, the potent Full Moon will bathe us in its light, but for now, the sense of optimism and hope is palpable...

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First Quarter Moon

The rhythm of the lunar cycle has enchanted and influenced humankind throughout the ages. The First Quarter Moon always looks dramatic, with exactly half of the Moon’s face illuminated in our night sky. We sense that we are on a journey when we see the First Quarter Moon. Something has begun but has not yet completed. Half-way between a New Moon and Full Moon, this lunar phase is associated with action and energy...

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Last Quarter Moon

During the Last Quarter Moon, the lunar disc, although three quarters illuminated, is fading quickly. The magic of the Full Moon has passed, and as the moonlight dwindles, we will soon reach the stillness and darkness of the true New Moon...

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The Crescent Moon

The Crescent Moon is perhaps the most loved of all of the lunar phases – this is the shape we draw when we think of the Moon, and for many of us, it’s our go-to image of all that the Moon means to us...

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The New Moon

The New Moon occurs at the moment that the Moon is perfectly captured, between the earth and the Sun. With no sunlight illuminating the Moon, it is a moment of darkness in our skies. In this darkness, the Moon holds limitless potential – she is and she is not, all at once...

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Air is a very mysterious element. Most of the time we don’t even notice it, yet all air-breathing creatures would quickly die without it. It is the breath of life itself, and yet it is invisible to us...

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Earth is the ground beneath our feet – the island in a tempestuous ocean, the stability which withstands the whirlwind, the cool solidity which endures after fire. Of all of the elements, it is Earth which survives the worst the others can conjure. Resilient, unbroken, permanent, the Earth provides the land on which we build our homes and our lives, and it provides the soil from which we grow our food...

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It is said that the mastery of Fire was the major breakthrough which allowed our ancient ancestors to develop more advanced civilizations. With Fire, humankind suddenly gained the power to create new foods and to keep themselves warm, to ward off wild animals and to light the darkness. Yet Fire was to prove a destructive force as well as a creative and constructive one – for Fire can burn, injure, kill and destroy at will...

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Water sustains all life on our planet, and it was from primordial oceans that the very first life emerged. Water quenches our thirst, allows us to rear plants and animals, transports our goods and regulates our weather systems. From the drenched, rich rainforests to the most arid of deserts, there is not a place on earth which does not depend upon Water for life...

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The sky darkens, thunder crashes overhead, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a Lightning bolt streaks across the sky, illuminating everything in its bath for a brief second. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, Lightning never passes unnoticed – this most spectacular of nature’s phenomena demands that we pay attention...

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Far from the monster of legend, today we understand Medusa as a survivor of violence, bondage and oppression. Once thought to be the most beautiful woman in the world, Medusa was attacked by Poseidon in Athena’s temple – and was viciously punished by Athena for having provoked the great sea god with her beauty. Her flowing hair was turned into a headful of snakes, and she was cursed with a gaze which would turn any living being to stone. Banished to live in a cave with her gorgon sisters, Medusa was eventually beheaded by Perseus; a tragic and brutal end to a very sorry tale...

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Fork In The Road

Life is a perpetual series of choices and decisions, hundreds of them on a daily basis – some of them almost unconsciously made, some of them agonized over for months or even years. Every so often, however, we face a deciding moment in life: a fork in the road, where each route looks identical...

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Ship In A Bottle

After countless hours of intricate work, the master craftsman’s moment has arrived. He slides the ship’s hull through the neck of the bottle and then, gently pulling on a couple of carefully hidden threads, he raises the sails and puts the stopper back into the bottle. The Ship in the Bottle is complete – a gloriously detailed, seemingly impossible accomplishment, and a marvel for all to see...

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The Alchemist

In his medieval laboratory, the Alchemist intently watches a bubbling liquid, occasionally scribbling down strange symbols in he leather notebook. Surrounded by strange powders, weighing scales, mechanical devices and esoteric books, he is trying to transform matter from one state to another...

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The Anchor

Ships drop anchor to keep their crew and passengers safe in a storm, but they may also anchor in port or in a safe haven. The key practical function of an anchor is to provide stability and safety, and to prevent the ship from moving away, and symbolically this is the most common meaning of this card...

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The Basilisk

The Basilisk is a truly horrifying beast, reputed to be the most poisonous creature on earth. This giant snake, King of the Serpents, can kill with a single glance. Even its breath causes plants to wither as it passes, while stones crack under the force of its gaze. Born from a toad’s egg hatched by a cockerel, the Basilisk grows to an enormous size, slithering semi-upright through its lair, bringing death to all who encounter it...

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The Bow And Arrow

The Bow and Arrow were among the earliest weapons humankind adopted – even some of the oldest cave paintings ever found show early hunters perfecting their skills with this weapon. Legends and lore are also full of tales of archery, as skilled archers competed with one another, often to gain a favored maiden’s hand...

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The Broken Wand

The Wand – an eternal symbol of magical power – has been broken, How did this happen? Did someone you trust do this deliberately, to weaken your power and render you vulnerable? Did you accidentally do it yourself, having innocently blundered into a situation where you should not have been? Or did you break it on purpose, to prevent it from being used against you...

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The Chalice

Ornate, jeweled chalices have always been among the most treasured possessions of royalty, nobility and wealthy families through the ages. Typically made of gold, silver or pewter, these stylized drinking vessels symbolize financial matters, wealth and material success...

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The Clover

Prized by the ancient Celtic Druids as having mystical powers, the Clover has a long history as a treasured plant. Clover has three leaves, one each to represent faith, hope and love, so the story goes – but, very rarely, a Clover plant will produce four leaves, with the extra leaf representing luck...

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The Compass

The Compass must surely rank among humankind’s greatest inventions. First found in ancient China around 200 B.C., the Compass paved the way for every great exploration which followed, leading us to every corner of the earth and seeing us safely home again...

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The Crown

The Crown, symbol of royal power throughout the centuries, represents the divine authority of anointed kings and queens. It also symbolizes your own divine spark – and the efforts you must make to wield your divine power wisely...

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The Crystal

Glittering gems, stones and rock crystals have captivated humankind for thousands of years. Our precious planet contains hundreds of different types of crystals, each of which has its own metaphysical properties and vibrations. As light dances and reflects from the Crystal, its beauty is even more apparent, and its iridescent surface seems to be all things to all people...

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The Dead Tree

Its withered, twisted branches droop, some still pointing skyward in a jagged defiance, others trailing on the ground, barely supported by the broken, shattered stump. Lichen grows where leaves once flourished, and beetles scurry across the wood which once supported birdsong and berries...

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The Eclipse

Our ancient ancestors watched in awe as the sun was swallowed up in the sky, plunging them into an eerie and terrifying darkness. Imagine their relief when a moment or two later the life-giving sun began to re-emerge from its captor – small wonder that the Eclipse was a phenomenon both feared and revered across the world...

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The Fairy

Fairies are mythical, magical beings, usually depicted as tiny human-like figures, who can be found throughout the rich folklore of Europe...

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The Fountain

Fountains delight and enchant us the world over. From ancient classical Roman masterpieces like the Trevi Fountain to modern, state of the art, computer-controlled fountain displays, there is something about the artistic flow of water which captivates us for its beauty and its refreshing, life-giving vitality...

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The Goddess

As maiden, mother, crone or warrior, the Goddess embodies femininity in all of its diverse and powerful facets. The Goddess goes by many names in many places - she is Isis, goddess of magic and divination; she is Aphrodite, goddess of love and pleasure; she is Kali, the wild goddess of time, destruction and death; she is Gaia, Mother Earth and Mother Nature. The Goddess is all of these and more, a representation of the divine feminine which calls to us instinctively and which holds great spiritual power...

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The Griffin

The Griffin is a huge, majestic beast, with the head, wings and talons of an eagle and the body and hind legs of a lion. Since the lion is the king of the beasts and the eagle is the king of the birds, the Griffin is revered for its power and authority. Known to fiercely protect royalty and their treasures, the Griffin also embodies courage and strength...

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The Hourglass

What is your most treasured possession? Most people would agree that material possessions are, in the end, worthless. What really matters to us, and what we would give almost anything to have more of, is time...

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The Key

The heavy iron Key feels important in your hand. Ornately decorated, it has clearly been designed to open something very significant indeed – but what? What is locked away, protected by this Key, available only to those who can turn it in the lock?..

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The Labyrinth

Twisting paths, corners which lead nowhere, dead ends and blocked entrances – being lost in a labyrinth can be an intensely frustrating and anxiety-inducing experience. Yet not all labyrinths are mazes designed to deceive – some are not mazes at all but winding continuous paths which do lead to a calm and peaceful center, designed for meditation and reflection...

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The Library

From the lost Great Library of Alexandria to today’s modern libraries and archives, the library has always been a place where knowledge is gathered – and can be found by anyone willing to seek it. The precious ancient manuscripts and dusty old books hold within them everything that humankind has learned through the centuries, and the scholars busy working in the Library know that on any given day, they may make another breakthrough in knowledge...

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The Mirror

When we look in the Mirror, we see ourselves reflected back at us – the one and only time we can see ourselves truly, as others see us. This unique concept is behind the fascination humankind has always had with mirrors. Pre-history, people probably used pools of water as mirrors, while as long as 6000 years ago the ancients were using polished obsidian stones as mirrors...

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The Obelisk

Towering hundreds of feet into the sky, the Obelisk is a focal point for everything around it. Carved from a single piece of granite and with its pyramid shaped top seeming to touch the sky, the Obelisk is synonymous with Ancient Egypt – an awe-inspiring monument which has many symbolic interpretations...

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The Octopus

The Octopus is one of the most mysterious and fascinating creatures mankind has ever encountered. Supremely intelligent, with brain cells distributed throughout its body, the Octopus is a master of camouflage and escape, able to slip through the tiniest of cracks and perform amazing feats with its eight tentacles...

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The Orb

The Orb is a ceremonial object, often used in the coronation of sovereigns. A golden, jewel-encrusted globe, it is usually topped by a cross, and is intended to be symbolic of spiritual power on earth...

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The Owl

With its silent nocturnal flight, beautiful face, outstanding senses and supreme hunting abilities, the Owl is one of our most loved and cherished birds...

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The Phoenix

Resplendent in its shimmering, golden-red, fire colored plumage, the noble Phoenix has the gift of immortality. This majestic, eagle-sized bird lives for several hundred years, before magically setting itself alight to die in the flames of its own making. The reborn Phoenix then emerges from the ashes and flies away to begin a new life cycle – small wonder that this legendary bird has inspired awe and amazement for centuries...

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The Rose

A single red rose for your beloved, a magnificent bouquet of roses to woo your intended, romantic rose petals scattered down the wedding aisle – the Rose has been a symbol of love and romance for centuries...

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The Scales

Since time immemorial, the Scales have been a symbol of justice. From the ancient Egyptian goddess Ma’at and the Roman goddess Justitia, who both carried the Scales, to modern symbolism inside and outside law courts around the world, everyone understands that the Scales weigh evidence in order to reach a just verdict...

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The Shield

There are two sides to the warrior archetype. He is a fighter, and his sword is his tool of attack. However, he is also a defender, and his Shield is his tool of protection. Using the Shield, he will defend not only his own life, but that of his family, his village, his tribe, his brothers and sisters in arms, with his loyalty and devotion never in question. His willingness to sacrifice himself in our defense, if necessary, is a marker of the utmost commitment...

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The Siren

Beautiful, but deadly, the Sirens lure sailors to their deaths on the rocky shores around their island. Said to possess a song so enchanting that no human can resist it, these mermaid-like creatures are also skilled musicians, playing such sweet music that their murderous natures are hidden behind the lust and desire of their victims...

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The Stag

As a misty dawn breaks, the Stag feeds at the edge of the forest. At the faintest sound, he raises his magnificent head to watch warily, his senses prickling, ready to take flight or defend himself at a moment’s notice...

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The Storm

Who hasn’t watched in trepidation as storm clouds gather on the horizon? Facing the Storm, we know that we are in for a bumpy ride. As torrential rain battles high winds and thunder crashes overhead, the Storm is elemental force at its most potent. We under-estimate the Storm at our peril – and yet, it never lasts for long. As quickly as the Storm rages in, it moves on ahead of a clearing sky...

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The Third Eye

The psychic casts her hands over the crystal ball and pauses for a moment, before revealing truths about your life that she could not possibly have known. How? Because she is skilled in the use of her Third Eye...

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The Treasure Chest

We humans are filled with curiosity. When we come upon the locked Treasure Chest, we are instantly intrigued. What secrets lie within this padlocked chest? We demand to know; we need to know, and we will stop at nothing to find out...

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The Unicorn

Once upon a time, deep in their enchanted forest, a Unicorn herd moved gracefully through the trees. The Unicorn stallion’s brilliant white coat was dazzling, his majestic spiralled horn glinting in the patches of sunlight. The mares and foals were shimmering silver, with flowing manes and tails enhancing their brilliance. Blessed with healing powers and only able to be tamed by the purest of hearts, these stunning creatures were rarely seen but always sought after...

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The Werewolf

The Werewolf has been a subject of fear and horror for centuries. These poor souls are humans, but – having suffered a cursed bite from another Werewolf – they are doomed to transform into wolves every Full Moon. While in wolf form, most Werewolves cannot control their animalistic natures, and will hunt and kill to satisfy their most basic instincts...

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Here is a list of Moon Cards readings that you can use like a Tarot reading. Simply select the reading topic, choose one card, then receive the answer you are searching for:

Moon Cards are like Tarot Cards, and our readings are similar to Tarot Card Readings. You can use Moon Cards to tap into your intuition and psychic potential, and like a psychic reading they can help you gain insight into your past, present and future.

© Copyright 2025. All card images and designs associated with are the sole intellectual property of Moon Reading LLC. Any unauthorized copying, distribution, sharing, or use of these images in any form or manner, whether in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. Our mission is to transform lives by providing content, products and programs to help people connect with their intuition for serenity, calm and spiritual guidance. We provide accurate and educational Moon Card Oracle Readings and information based around astrology, cartomancy and other forms of divination. This material is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as a substitute in place of any recommendations by legal, medical, or financial professionals or other professional counselors. Made with ♥ by

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